Bon voyage to a super-volunteer
Today we sadly bid a fond farewell to Ursula Sommer, our incredible volunteer assistant editor for the past two months. Ursula is a recent Colorado College graduate who became excited about my documentary, Hooked on Growth (in production). She wanted to work on this film. In this era of tight finances, we were unable to raise the funds to pay Ursula for even a summer internship. But because she believes in the cause, she donated her time. She even had to acquire a better bike to navigate the hills that dot her five-mile commute every day.

Assistant editor Ursula Sommer sips coffee and logs an interview
Now, thanks to Ursula, I have more interviews than volunteer transcribers, so if you’ve been looking for a way to get involved in the project, this is a good excuse to contact me. Join transcribers in London, Sydney, Seattle and D.C. working to make Hooked on Growth a reality!
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