Who Ya Gonna Call in 2013? GrowthBusters!
As a kid I watched a TV series about a Canadian Mountie patrolling the wilds of the Yukon. At the end of every episode Sergeant Preston would hug his faithful dog and say, “Well, King, this case is closed.”
13 months ago GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth held its world premiere to a packed house at the West End Cinema in Washington DC. Since then, community groups, environmental organizations, universities, conferences, individuals and film festivals have hosted hundreds of screenings around the world. One might think this case is closed. Film produced, film released, film viewed, end of story. I suppose it could be, but this case is far from closed. We are making progress, but the world is not yet in a 12-step program for recovery from growth addiction.
“How do we become a sustainable civilization?”
So, just because this happens to be the most critical issue ever faced by human civilization, we at GrowthBusters aren’t going anywhere. When there’s something wrong in the neighborhood, in 2013, 2014 and beyond, you can still call GrowthBusters. Our job is to play a meaningful role in jump-starting the needed worldwide paradigm shift away from the worship of growth everlasting and toward sufficiency, sustainability, and lives that have real meaning.
Read our strategic plan. Highlights include:
- GrowthBusters TV Series: We plan to make the complete interviews done for the film available on television and the web.
- GrowthBusters II Movie Sequel: I want to dig deeper into many of the subjects barely touched on in the original film. There can easily be a GrowthBusters III and IV.
- Media Watchdog Website: We’ll create a “wall of shame” calling out elected officials and journalists for repeating and reinforcing the myth that perpetual growth is both possible and desirable. Awareness is the first step toward recovery.
- Dave Gardner for President in 2016: Maybe that will make an interesting film, but at this point I’m just kidding. No one with a proton energy pack and a jumpsuit has ever made it into the oval office.
There’s just one catch. I absolutely cannot do this unless you join me for the adventure. I need your ideas, your feedback, your volunteer time, and – most critically – your financial support. Please step up and help me raise $150,000 to launch GrowthBusters Phase II. Check out the levels of support and the very cool ways I will thank you and include you in the journey. Then write a check or donate on-line today. We’ve got a planet to save!
Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster
2012 Accomplishments
2013 Strategic Plan
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Judy Cameron
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Oh Growth Busters we sure need you! May you grow and prosper and educate while there is still time. Love and best wishes from Australia.
Dave Gardner
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Judy, thank you so much for your encouraging words.
We are getting some very positive responses, but our reach is not yet that wide, so I genuinely hope everyone who knows of GrowthBusters and appreciates the need for our work will donate what they can and encourage their friends and networks to support growth busting! Thanks for sharing our message on Facebook, Judy.
Mark Cachia
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Great work Growthbusters! Got your link from a group I joined on LinkedIn. Will be sure to spread the word far and wide. http://www.doingitourselves.org/ – here is a website people here might also be interested in. We be happy to share some of your work on our website also if it isn’t already :).
Best wish also from Australia.