A Finer Future? (podcast episode 37)
We could use some good news. According to the four scholars who wrote A Finer Future, we are already experiencing some of the dramatic changes our system must undertake in order for our planet to meet the needs of future generations. This episode features a conversation with L. Hunter Lovins about the wellbeing economy and how sustainable behavior makes good business sense. Interestingly, this book grew out of a homework assignment from the King of Bhutan.
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Hunter Lovins is President and Founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions. She co-founded the Rocky Mountain Institute, and co-authored (with Paul Hawken and Amory Lovins) the landmark book, Natural Capitalism. Lovins consults on sustainability for corporate giants and world leaders. She also finds time to serve as professor of sustainable business at Bard MBA.
This conversation was recorded in February of 2019, with introduction and close recorded in December of 2019.
A Finer Future – book, blog, resources
The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
A Finer Future report for/by Club of Rome
Global Alliance for Banking on Values
Business End of Climate Change – Study
Green Illusions by Ozzie Zehner
Planet of the Humans film
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Tags: Climate Change, economy, overpopulation, overshoot, sustainability
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