Al Bartlett Week – Day 3
The late physics professor Al Bartlett knew you cannot have a sustainable world made up of unsustainable communities. So, while he lectured around the world and wrote prolifically about global population and economic growth, he also had a real knack for pointing out the sheer lunacy of the beliefs and policies of local policymakers. Today’s video clips (from my 2005 interview for GrowthBusters) focus on the crazy, suicidal behavior of states and cities hooked on growth. The third clip, Politicians and Population Growth, is particularly amusing.
Creating Jobs Increases # of Unemployed
Population Forecasts are Not Destiny
Politicians and Population Growth
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Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster
Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to
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Bromwell Ault
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This is great stuff. A wonderful man, respected teacher and worker for humanity speaking truth !
Dave Gardner
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Thanks, Bromwell. It’s my pleasure to celebrate and honor Al Bartlett’s life and work. He often was stating the obvious, but he had a way of saying it, and it really needed to be said.