Learn about an exciting paradigm-shifting initiative at the next free GrowthBusters webinar.
Please join me for an engaging conversation about how we can catalyze the needed paradigm shift to a life-sustaining society. You’re invited to join this GrowthBusters webinar at no cost.
I’ve invited Andrew Gaines of the Great Transition Initiative to tell us more about the project. It’s gearing up to help catalyze the system change we need in order for human civilization to stick around on planet Earth awhile longer.
Date and Time: Wednesday, June 14 at 9pm EDT. Register Here
Registrants receive a link to view a replay in case they cannot attend live. The webinar will last one hour and 15 minutes.
On the webinar we’ll pick Andrew’s brain and explore how he thinks we can align to solve the major bottlenecks challenging our transition to a sustainable society. How can we go past ‘preaching to the converted’ and bring a critical mass of the general public into considering the consequences of big picture trends such as ever-growing global economy and population, global warming, and peak everything?