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Author Archive

No Spin Zone: GrowthBusters Needs YOU

In my 30 years creating films for big corporations, the rules of spin were drilled into me. Dwell on the positive aspects of a product. Don’t bring up the complaints or flaws. Make it sound like the company or product is a big winner and everyone is turning to it. Like sheep, customers will follow.

In observing the growth addiction of our culture and communicating about it, I’ve had to jettison those rules. But they don’t die easily. In founding and running this fledgling non-profit, my training has told me to put on a happy face: make it sound like millions are joining the cause and supporting our work. Don’t tell readers that the organization hangs on by a thread. My instincts, on the other hand, tell me to be truthful and authentic. I try, but I often fail. It still comes naturally to me to write with that corporate voice. . . .

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Got the Urge to ‘Shop, Baby, Shop?’ Stay Home and Watch GrowthBusters on Black Friday

This year on Black Friday (the day U.S. retailers and shoppers kick off the holiday shopping season (and the biggest shopping day of the year), we’re offering the world an alternative to mayhem at the mall. We’ll be screening our groundbreaking documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, free on the Internet for audiences around the world. Stay home, have some family time, pop popcorn, and watch a movie that will stimulate a lively discussion (Event times and registration here). Here’s a short promo I think you’ll like (please share with your friends):

Generosity and selflessness are universally considered admirable qualities. I suspect that was the genesis for the gift-giving traditions observed in the celebration of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa at this time of year. So giving a gift is – to borrow a phrase from Martha Stewart – “a good thing.” But when we do our holiday shopping, what gift are we giving to future generations? . . .

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Vote for Best Reality TV

Okay, I admit it, I watched an entire episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter while researching this topic. It was like a train wreck; I couldn’t look away. Many of us have a weakness for one or another of these shows. But let’s face it, for the most part it’s not reality they offer, but an escape from reality.

Conversation Earth is the new TV series (in development here at Citizen-Powered Media) that I maintain offers the real thing. When we’ve had our fill of faux-reality and we’re ready to come back to Earth, our new series will offer TV you can sink your brain into. We’ve already interviewed:

William Catton, author of Overshoot
Juliet Schor, author of True Wealth
Dennis Meadows, co-author of The Limits of Growth
Sarah Susanka, author of The Not so Big Life
Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb
Jerry Mander, author of The Capitalism Papers: Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System
Stephanie Mills, author of On Gandhi’s Path
Bill McKibben, co-founder of and author of The End of Nature . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – Day 5

Today, on the last day of Al Bartlett Week, I have 3 special clips of Al to share. In the first we get to enjoy Al’s musings about the late Julian Simon. Simon was in many ways Lex Luther to the sustainability Superman of Al Bartlett (and Paul Ehrlich). Al enjoys pointing out Simon’s innumeracy. Al was fond of remarking on the fact that so many of us are “innumerate,” the mathematical equivalent of illiterate. I thought perhaps he’d made up the word, but no, it’s in the dictionary.

Dave Gardner honors Al Bartlett at Colorado premiere of GrowthBusters In the second clip he discusses the First Law of Sustainability. Al wrote a series of Laws Relating to Sustainability. I’ve often wondered why these aren’t shared more widely and posted on bulletin boards everywhere. Maybe now they will be. . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – Day 4 – World Contraception Day

Since today is World Contraception Day we’re sharing 3 excellent video clips of the late Al Bartlett about ending population growth. The last two also touch on why we’re finding that so difficult. After viewing these brief clips, check out this excellent commentary by Population Connection’s John Seager.

Al Bartlett Quotes Martin Luther King, Jr.

Al Bartlett – Choices for Ending Population Growth

Al Bartlett – The Silent Lie

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week! . . .

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