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Author Archive

Al Bartlett Week – Day 3

The late physics professor Al Bartlett knew you cannot have a sustainable world made up of unsustainable communities. So, while he lectured around the world and wrote prolifically about global population and economic growth, he also had a real knack for pointing out the sheer lunacy of the beliefs and policies of local policymakers. Today’s video clips (from my 2005 interview for GrowthBusters) focus on the crazy, suicidal behavior of states and cities hooked on growth. The third clip, Politicians and Population Growth, is particularly amusing.

Creating Jobs Increases # of Unemployed

Population Forecasts are Not Destiny

Politicians and Population Growth . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – Day 2

Our week-long tribute to the late Professor Al Bartlett continues. We’re changing things up for the rest of the week. Yesterday I posted a new blog entry for each video clip we posted, but that makes for a lot of emails for those of you subscribed to the blog. So for the rest of the week I’ve come up with a gentler idea. I’ll put all of today’s videos into this one blog post. You can watch them as you have time today.

Al Bartlett and Dave Gardner First, a quick bit of information about Al’s legacy. His daughters provided this information for those of you looking for a meaningful gesture to honor Al:

In lieu of gifts or flowers, Dad preferred that donations be sent to the “Albert A Bartlett Award in Physics” fund which was established to support Physics majors who intend to teach secondary physics as their career. (University of Colorado Foundation, 4740 Walnut Street, Boulder, CO 80301) . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – You Can’t Save Environment in Face of Population Growth

This brief clip from my 2005 interview with the late physics professor Al Bartlett rings so true. The environmental movement long ago chickened out on the issue of overpopulation (with the notable exception of the Center for Biological Diversity).

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster

Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – Malthus was Right

Growth-pushers, boosters, profiteers and their minions have one point of agreement with eco-socialists – and even a few other good-hearted humanitarians. They are all very busy trying to convince us that “overpopulation is not the problem (as explained to us recently in both the New York Times and the UK Guardian). Al Bartlett would have a one-word reply: nonsense. Enjoy this clip in our Al Bartlett video marathon.

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – We’ve Exceeded Earth’s Carrying Capacity

Al Bartlett explains what seems obvious to most scientists in this clip from the interview I conducted in 2005 for the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth:

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster

Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to

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