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Author Archive

Al Bartlett Week – Population Density in 700 Years

The Al Bartlett Week video marathon continues, with this clip from my 2005 interview for GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth:

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster

Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to

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Al Bartlett Week – Greatest Shortcoming of Human Race

Here’s the latest in our Al Bartlett video marathon, from an interview I did with Al in 2005 for the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth.

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster

Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to

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Al Bartlett Week – Bacteria in a Bottle

We kick off our Al Bartlett video marathon with this segment from GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. Although I interviewed Al in 2005, it wasn’t until 2011 I was finally able to get into a classroom to film Bartlett doing what he ultimately did over 1,700 times around the world. It was fun to add some animation to his illustration.

To participate in Al Bartlett Week and avoid missing out, subscribe to this blog, join the event page, and/or follow us on Twitter. Add your comments. I look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts throughout the week!

Dave Gardner
Filmmaker & GrowthBuster

Dave Gardner directed the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. He blogs at and is a founder and contributor to . . .

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Al Bartlett Week – In Remembrance

A Week-Long Marathon of All Things Al Bartlett

Al Bartlett left this Earth on September 7, 2013. If you had asked him, I’m afraid he would have said he didn’t leave it better than he found it. Still, Al made a big difference in this world.

BartlettWeek In the Fall of 2005 I filmed the very first interview for my documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. I sat down with Al Bartlett, professor emeritus of physics, in a cluttered office the size of a janitor’s closet, and began a conversation I never wanted to end. He must have had another appointment, because 78 questions later I was trudging back across the University of Colorado campus with my video gear slung across shoulders and back.

The minute I acquired my first high-definition video camera, specifically to film GrowthBusters, my first act was to schedule that interview. Al Bartlett was no spring chicken, and it would be a crime if I didn’t get that interview because I dawdled. He turned out to be amazingly resilient, and lived another 9 years. I was lucky and honored to count him as a colleague in the true sustainability movement for that time. I dedicated the GrowthBusters documentary to the great physics professor with a knack for hitting the nail on the head . . .

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A GrowthBuster’s Work is Never Done

Today we announced to the world a crowdfunding campaign for our new TV series (in development), Conversation Earth. If you support our GrowthBusters work, you’ll want to help us meet and exceed the modest $15,000 goal.

Why a TV series? An opinion piece in Saturday’s New York Times purported humans are above nature. It claimed our technology can overcome any limitations we might create by paving over habitat, overfishing, damming rivers, pumping aquifers dry and overloading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. (read my full critique at

It’s astonishing we have scientists (granted, it’s a minority of them) writing this kind of nonsense, and disappointing a prestigious, widely read newspaper publishes it. This reminds us we still have very important work to do, replacing the growth mythology that’s paralyzing society as we steer our civilization straight toward the cliff. . . .

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