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Vote for Top 10 Population Films

At GrowthBusters we consider World Population Day (July 11) an annual opportunity to bring the topic of overpopulation into sharper focus. We have some interesting things in store for you this year in the days leading up to World Population Day.

Subscribe to this blog to be kept apprised of our World Population Day posts and activities. Look for the subscribe box to the right of this post.

Also check out for outstanding videos and other population news.

This year we thought we’d come up with the ultimate list of the Top Ten Population Films of all time. While I do consider myself the world’s foremost authority on population in the media (not really), I thought it would be fun to invite readers to nominate and vote for films to be on this list. . . .

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Stop and Smell the Environment on World Environment Day

Typically every morning I rise when the sunlight streams into the room. This time of year that means 6 or even 5:30. I sit down with a cup of skinny cafe mocha and go through my email in-box, which invariably is full of interesting bits of communication from all over the world. Much of it details the ongoing destruction humankind is wringing on the planet.

This morning, however, I received a link to a Youtube video in an email from one of my favorite fans, Nina Centaine. Nina composed (and contributed, for no pay) some of the music in the GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth documentary. You can explore her music here. Knowing Nina is one of the many great rewards of my growthbusting. . . .

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Honey, I Shrunk the Family

Leatherback On Earth Day many were thinking of ways to be green. Few of us were considering what is probably the greenest behavior of all. My Earth Day contribution was to pass out Endangered Species Condoms at some events over this past weekend. These condoms are a wonderful project of the Center for Biological Diversity, aimed at raising awareness of the role played by human population growth in pushing species off the planet at an alarming rate.

I became an early volunteer in this Center program because I wanted to support any environmental organization that has the courage to tell the truth about overpopulation. Talking about population growth became un-PC in recent decades. At GrowthBusters we are busy changing that. . . .

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President Renounces Economic Growth Goals

Obama Rejects Economic Growth Fetish U.S. President Barack Obama announced Saturday that “restoring robust economic growth is no longer Job One” at the White House. “All the rhetoric around job creation, economic growth, and the American Dream are just political necessities for anyone wanting to be elected or reelected,” the President admitted. ” I no longer need to worry about reelection, so from this day forward I vow to tell the American people the truth.”

What is the truth? In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama explained it is time for the people to recognize that “economic growth has become uneconomic. We have filled up the planet with over 7 billion people who all want to drive Range Rovers and live in McMansions. We have arrived at the point where the costs of growth exceed the benefits.” The good news, he explained, is people can live very good lives without ever-increasing GDP and the vicious cycle of work and consumption that necessitates. . . .

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Costs of Growth Coming to Your Neighborhood

FrackBusters Banner I’ve been missing-in-action lately from the global GrowthBusting scene. Duty called for growthbusting of an unusual variety in my own community. I believe the best citizens think globally and act locally, so I had to step up and offer my help when my hometown of Colorado Springs came under frack attack.

Yes, I’ve been frackbusting lately, and that’s a little out of character for me, because I usually focus my energy on the root cause of threats like hydraulic fracturing – growth addiction. There are plenty of people working hard on the symptoms (fracking, drilling in the Arctic, climate change, habitat destruction, species extinction, fisheries decline, plastic oceanic garbage patch, hunger, poverty, etc.), and too few addressing the growth obsession and mythology driving us to create all these problems. . . .

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