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Help Us Eliminate Unsustainable Pro-Growth Media Bias

X-ray showing your brain on growth mania Please help us eliminate pro-growth bias in the news media. A flurry of news reports this morning reinforce the cultural myth that population growth is a sign things are going well. This keeps our culture hooked on growth. Over a lifetime it programs us to seek and celebrate growth.

The U.S. Census released new state population estimates yesterday, and – as usual – the flurry of news headlines and reports is providing disappointing evidence that most journalists have a pro-growth bias. It’s often fairly subtle, but if your radar for this bias is active as you read some of these headlines or stories, you can’t miss it.


This is a real problem in our modern culture, because it reinforces the cultural myth that growth is necessary for prosperity. We must give this myth a decent burial to speed our transition to a sustainable world. This will be a world that does not seek impossible and destructive perpetual growth, but rather seeks good and satisfying lives that leave future generations a world worth inheriting. . . .

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Who Ya Gonna Call in 2013? GrowthBusters!

Sergeant Preston of the Yukon poster As a kid I watched a TV series about a Canadian Mountie patrolling the wilds of the Yukon. At the end of every episode Sergeant Preston would hug his faithful dog and say, “Well, King, this case is closed.”

13 months ago GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth held its world premiere to a packed house at the West End Cinema in Washington DC. Since then, community groups, environmental organizations, universities, conferences, individuals and film festivals have hosted hundreds of screenings around the world. One might think this case is closed. Film produced, film released, film viewed, end of story. I suppose it could be, but this case is far from closed. We are making progress, but the world is not yet in a 12-step program for recovery from growth addiction. . . .

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Blackened Turkey: 3 Alternatives to Black Friday Shopping to Have a Wonderful Life

A burned turkey This Thursday many families in the U.S. will observe the Thanksgiving holiday. Some  will push their plates away after a celebratory feast, get up from the table and head out the door to wreck the planet. Most of them won’t be aware of the dire consequences of their shopping sprees.

Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. The frenzy of holiday shoppers chasing after bargains dominates the news broadcasts. In recent years it has become extra newsworthy as shoppers have been shot or trampled to death. The sheer absurdity is captured brilliantly in this video from Annie Leonard’s Story of Stuff project:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, when we cease to be human beings and become consumers: . . .

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Paul Ehrlich Post-Election Thoughts

Stanford biologist and longtime sustainability advocate Dr. Paul Ehrlich is in Australia on a research project. He has given me permission to share his thoughts about the recent U.S. election, sent via email late last night, after the presidential election had been called. At GrowthBusters we try to remain apolitical, but of course we admonish political fools when they exhibit growthmania, and we congratulate political leaders when they demonstrate good sense. So, these are Paul Ehrlich’s words. Paul doesn’t hide his disdain for the current GOP, but I think it’s safe to say he’s not thrilled with President Obama’s environmental track record thus far. . . .

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Who Will Get This Economy Moving? No One

U.S. President Ballot with Reality an Option “We’ve got to get this economy going again!” Unless your cave lacks wifi, cable or satellite, you’ve heard this once or twice in the last four seconds.

Job creation and economic growth dominate the November election in the U.S. — perhaps more than any election in history. Campaign ads for local, state and national candidates all promise jobs. The presidential election this year has become a referendum on who can breathe new life into our economy.

News Flash: Neither presidential candidate will succeed.

What if our unexamined assumptions about the need and possibility of perpetual economic growth are wrong? What if robust economic growth is our civilization’s way of driving off a cliff? What if the planet is incapable of supporting continued increase in global economic throughput? . . .

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