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Author Archive

Explore New Paths Forward

Now that you’ve seen the GrowthBusters film, if you’re curious about where we go from here, this is a place to start. Let me begin by assuring you I don’t have all the answers. I just have a lot of the questions. My hope is we can all contribute here our ideas on forging a new, post-growth society.

You might begin by exploring our summary page for each of the four issues addressed in the film:

Economic Growth

Consumption Growth

Population Growth

Urban Growth

Each page can point you to some useful reading. You may also be interested in reviewing our What Can I Do document.

I’d also like to encourage you to explore the website of one of our partners in this, The Pachacuti Project. . . .

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7 Billion – And Your Community Wants Its Share

There’s a good chance you’ve heard world population will pass 7 billion on Halloween. Most of us in the developed world haven’t given it a second thought. The hungry children whose photos accompany these news stories are not our children. Most of us don’t think of population growth as something we can or should do anything about. It’s a problem for someone else, somewhere else.

forecast-graphic-9-1024x576There are signs, however, that the planet has filled up. On a full planet, problems don’t blow away. We can’t move away from them. China’s emissions affect air quality in the western U.S. The relentless march of humankind across the planet is eliminating forests and species. It’s heating our atmosphere and acidifying our oceans. Our appetite is decimating fisheries. We’re over-appropriating and fouling fresh water supplies. We’re depleting the planet’s fertile soils and many precious elements. . . .

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Screening Report – Center for Environmental Filmmaking

Last night I was the guest of legendary filmmaker Chris Palmer (author of Shooting in the Wild: An Insider’s Account of Making Movies in the Animal Kingdom)  at his Center for Environmental Filmmaking. This is one of several outstanding programs in the School of Communications at American University in Washington DC.

I shared clips from GrowthBusters and answered questions about the film and the issues it raises. I’m pleased to report it got a very enthusiastic reception. Most of the crowd stayed beyond the appointed end time, and it took me another half hour to get out the door (I’m not complaining).

I’ve been looking forward to this moment for several years – the point in time when the public can begin to rally. Based on the comments I got, as more and more people see this film there is going to be a groundswell. More and more screenings will be organized. Word is going to travel! Cross your fingers. This is our moment! This is our children’s moment. And their children’s. In my film, sociologist Juliet Schor called the movement toward localization and self-provisioning “a ‘change the world’ movement.” The GrowthBusters movie could make this a “change the world moment.” . . .

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GrowthBusters World Premiere in 3 Days

DSCN1872-300x224I stopped into the West End Cinema Friday to do a technical check (make sure my film gets along with their projection equipment) and it hit me – the sudden realization that I’ve made my first feature film. After 6 years of gestation my baby is being born! It was exciting.

Theatre manager Josh Levin put our poster up on the wall, and our local event manager, Johanna Barron, informed me we had reservations to fill half the theatre within 24 hours of our invitations going out.

DSCN1873-300x224It’s pretty clear we’ll fill the theatre. What remains to be seen is if we start a buzz that travels around the planet: “Here’s a film that dares to tell us the truth. You must see it!” Most of the news media is ignoring us. They may recognize we are a threat, a threat to their growth-dependent, growth-obsessed, blissful ignorance. They’d rather we fade quickly into oblivion. That’s not going to happen. . . .

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GrowthBusters Film Premieres November 2 – Order Now

It’s been a long, hard climb, and I am pleased to report the GrowthBusters documentary is finished. It’s nearly killed me to complete the film prior to the sad population milestone of world population passing 7 billion this October 31. 16-hour work-days, occasional all-nighters, and 8-day weeks have been the norm for several months.

4paneldvddigipak-foamhubBut enough about my blood, sweat and tears. What you want to know is that the film can now be ordered. Community screenings can be scheduled. The world premiere is set for Washington DC on November 2. A Colorado premiere in my hometown (prominently featured in the film) is scheduled for November 9.

“This could be the most important film ever made.  It tackles the three lethal taboos that threaten our civilization, those against discussing overpopulation, overconsumption, and the nonsensical idea that economic growth itself is a net benefit even in rich countries and can and must continue forever.” . . .

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