I stopped into the West End Cinema Friday to do a technical check (make sure my film gets along with their projection equipment) and it hit me – the sudden realization that I’ve made my first feature film. After 6 years of gestation my baby is being born! It was exciting.
Theatre manager Josh Levin put our poster up on the wall, and our local event manager, Johanna Barron, informed me we had reservations to fill half the theatre within 24 hours of our invitations going out.
It’s pretty clear we’ll fill the theatre. What remains to be seen is if we start a buzz that travels around the planet: “Here’s a film that dares to tell us the truth. You must see it!” Most of the news media is ignoring us. They may recognize we are a threat, a threat to their growth-dependent, growth-obsessed, blissful ignorance. They’d rather we fade quickly into oblivion. That’s not going to happen.