July 11 is World Population Day, meaning only that today the news media, and perhaps a bigger share of the public, are giving overpopulation the attention it should get every day. Why it doesn’t normally get this attention is one of the subjects explored in my upcoming documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. It is too complex for a quick blog read.
This insightful cartoon by Tim Newcomb cuts to the chase. It is quite clear the scale of the human enterprise has outgrown the planet. Nearly every crisis or challenge we face today is caused or aggravated by population growth. Yet for every crisis and challenge, stabilizing or reducing population is rarely mentioned even as one of the possible solutions. Too few are comfortable bringing it up. Unfortunately, those who do raise the issue all too often follow that up with a statement that population growth is out of our control. Or that demographic inertia means it’s inevitable growth will continue for some time. That is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We get what we expect. And it seems we don’t expect much of the human race. We could, voluntarily, bring population growth to a halt tomorrow, if we were all well-informed and believe in the intergenerational golden rule.