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Author Archive

World Population Day – Expect More

July 11 is World Population Day, meaning only that today the news media, and perhaps a bigger share of the public, are giving overpopulation the attention it should get every day. Why it doesn’t normally get this attention is one of the subjects explored in my upcoming documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. It is too complex for a quick blog read.


This insightful cartoon by Tim Newcomb cuts to the chase. It is quite clear the scale of the human enterprise has outgrown the planet. Nearly every crisis or challenge we face today is caused or aggravated by population growth. Yet for every crisis and challenge, stabilizing or reducing population is rarely mentioned even as one of the possible solutions. Too few are comfortable bringing it up. Unfortunately, those who do raise the issue all too often follow that up with a statement that population growth is out of our control. Or that demographic inertia means it’s inevitable growth will continue for some time. That is a self-fulfilling prophecy. We get what we expect. And it seems we don’t expect much of the human race. We could, voluntarily, bring population growth to a halt tomorrow, if we were all well-informed and believe in the intergenerational golden rule. . . .

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Condoms – Vote for Best Slogan

Please help us choose the best slogan for these packages of GrowthBusters Condoms.

condoms-3-wide-for-blog(Click on the picture to see full-size and to vote.)

Here at GrowthBusters one of our guiding principles is borrowed from the advertising industry. William Kroll, onetime chair of ad agency giant Young & Rubicam, once said,

“Only the unusual in communication can be unusually effective.”

While this drives most of my work on the GrowthBusters documentary, it is extraordinarily apparent in our current escapade. I invite you to join in the fun. Full details of the plan will be revealed shortly.

Please cast your vote here. And if you have a better slogan to suggest, do so in a comment to this post. I’d like to get a broad sample of opinions, so please share this on facebook, Twitter, and email. Invite your friends to participate! . . .

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We have met the enemy…

…and if you remember that famous Pogo cartoon, the enemy is us.

pachacuticoversmallI’d like to introduce you to a smart man, interesting book, fascinating website and worthy movement all rolled into one.

George Trembath is a permaculturalist and lay philosopher residing in Queensland, Australia. We found each other thanks to word of GrowthBusters spreading around the world a little more than usual the last few weeks (thanks to our Kickstarter project to raise final finishing funds for the film – please make your pledge here).

George and a group of like-minded citizens have been building a movement and online community called Pachacuti. The goal is to raise awareness and debate on the intertwined subjects of human footprint, sustainability, social equality, and cultural practicality – on a global basis. And they are making very interesting use of entertainment media for much of this. There is a novel, an album of music, some very cool e-cards, and possibly a feature film in the future. I encourage you to explore the Pachacuti website. . . .

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Will Direct to Save Civilization

We just launched our final fundraising drive for the GrowthBusters documentary on Kickstarter. We just need to raise a final $20,000 to finish the film well. Just? Yes, it is a scary number, especially when you consider that on Kickstarter, supporters PLEDGE to give, but no money changes hands unless we reach our $20,000 goal.

We created a very clever video with a surprise twist, just for this campaign. It’s short and fun.
Check it out!

SenatorKidnappersBackVan25percentI’m amazed daily by the number of people who step up to support this project. We had a cast and crew of about 40 volunteer on this shoot. I hope we can tap the power of our thousands of supporters worldwide to make this campaign a success. We must raise $20,000 to cover the costs of finishing this film properly – music score, sound mix, color correction, archival film clip licensing, plus promotion and distribution expenses. . . .

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