Has our society become so obsessed with economic growth that people have become a commodity? Two items in my morning newspaper strongly suggest the answer to be an emphatic, shameful YES....People are not financial assets. We are not drones to be exploited in service to corporate profits or government tax coffers. We are not products to be produced or imported.
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Atlas Shrugged – A Confession at 34,000 Feet
I’m writing this above the Gulf of Mexico, in flight from Cancun, Mexico to my home in Colorado. I’m acutely aware of the contribution I’m making to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. I’m also a little sad this may be one of the last times I can make a trip like this.
If you’ve been following my adventures producing the GrowthBusters documentary, you might be shocked at the news I jetted off to Mexico to plant my butt on a beach for 5 days. Or — if you haven’t yet learned this lifestyle will soon become extinct — you’re wondering what the hell I’m writing about. Why am I feeling guilty? Why are these fabulous vacations not in my future?
GrowthBusters Earth Day 2011 Soundtrack Includes Pete Seeger
Fundraising Soundtrack Now Available Buy It Here
I want to honor musicians who’ve devoted their artistry to finding the cure for growth addiction and those who have offered to help the GrowthBusters documentary film project. To do that we decided to publish a “soundtrack” album for Earth Day, featuring music inspiring or inspired by our film. Some, but not all, of this music will undoubtedly find its way into the film.
One tune that undoubtedly will be in the film is the new GrowthBusters Theme. Order this album and you’ll be among the very first to hear it in its entirety. I woke up this morning with it bouncing around in my head!
Proceeds from the sale of this album will help fund completion of the film. Every artist represented has graciously contributed his/her work to this fundraiser.
Are GrowthBusters Modern Hippies?
I was recently interviewed by Modern Hippie Mag. Founder and editor Jaszy McAllister has become a fan of the GrowthBusters film project. You can listen to the interview here on Modern Hippie Radio.
Jaszy founded Modern Hippie Mag to “share a love for all things ‘green’, conscious living, and sustainability.” That was enough to get my interest. I’ve been following Modern Hippie for several months now and have gained some useful information to help me reduce my impact at home.
Modern Hippie has a variety of talented writers, publishes daily and weekly newsletters, shares interviews on Modern Hippie Radio, and provides video updates on Modern Hippie TV.
Growth-Worship Kool-Aid in the Local Papers
The newest GrowthBusters podcast is available now on NextGen. Thanks to NextGen’s Steve Zuckerman for making this soap box available to me. I encourage you to check out the thoughtful, outside-the-box programming at NextGen.
This week’s podcast is the audio version of a blog I posted last week about pro-growth propaganda found in my hometown newspaper. If you’d rather listen than read, then here’s your chance. I will ocassionally do a podcast and/or blog post highlighting such examples of growth-worship programming in the media. I am certain that as more and more of us become aware of what’s in the Kool-Aid we are served, the power of that propaganda will diminish. Good listening…