It’s my mission to point out the programming that keeps our culture speeding toward a cliff, fueled by its destructive addiction to MORE. My radar is finely tuned to pick up not just themes and premises, but even the subtleties of word selection that reinforce our society’s belief that bigger is better. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes not so subtle. Ocassionally I get a little cranky that so many cannot yet see what I call “growthism” in news reports, headlines, editorials and even television commercials. I get even crankier toward those who keep creating and serving this Kool-Aid.
I try to be diplomatic when drawing attention to examples of growthism Kool-Aid. After all, most who drink it – and many who serve it – are blissfully unaware of its toxic ingredients. They don’t realize we are members of a cult – the cult of growth, and when we swallow the Kool-Aid we are making a suicide pact. Forgive me for being tough on my hometown newspaper today. This is going to be a cranky moment.