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Cities with Stable Population Outperform Fast Growing Cities

Metro areas in the U.S. with a stable population are proving growth is not the path to prosperity. Eben Fodor, community planning consultant and author of Better, Not Bigger, has just released a study comparing the fastest-growing metro areas of the U.S. with the slowest-growing, to test conventional wisdom that cities benefit from growth. This study ought to put the final nail in the coffin of the “grow or die” myth that misinforms public policies in many cities. Unfortunately, in most areas this myth is very much alive and well.

According to Fodor, “The slowest-growing MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) outperformed the fastest-growing in every category. The 25 slowest-growing MSAs averaged almost 1% lower unemployment rates, 2.4% lower poverty rates, and a remarkable $8,455 more in per capita personal income in 2009. They also had larger income gains from 2000 to 2009 and saw significantly lower declines in income from the recession (2007-09). “ . . .

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How to Growthbust at Home

Here’s an example of how you can do some growthbusting in your own back yard: I just posted this comment to the state of Colorado’s Draft SWSI 2010 Municipal and Industrial Water Conservation Strategies Report:

Colorado Water Conservation Board

In addressing long-term water needs and strategies, the state of Colorado needs to treat population projections not as a fait accompli. Knowing the limitations of our water resource, Colorado has no business doubling its current population – over any time period. Such population growth is not inevitable. It will happen only if the state and its communities continue to pursue economic development strategies that subsidize migration to the state. The strategies focus on attracting business (and in the bargain, population) to the state. The subsidies include economic development incentives and ad campaigns and junkets, but more importantly they sometimes include massive water projects – the cost of which is never completely passed on to the new residences and businesses requiring that water. This must change. If you really want sustainable water policy for the state of Colorado, stop accommodating and subsidizing growth. . . .

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David Gray & Annie Lennox: We Saw It Coming But We Still Bought It

An addict usually has plenty of evidence his habit is destructive. Yet he persists. An addiction’s death grip can be so strong – psychologically and physically – that we knowingly march right into the center of the death spiral of destructive behavior.

Thanks to Steven Salmony for bringing this tremendous song to my attention. Steve is a tireless crusader for modern society to stop “buying it.” You can find very interesting information at his website,

David Gray wrote this song and he is joined by Annie Lennox in this powerful duet:


Nothing further needs to be said. But I’m putting the lyrics to Full Steam below, and also including this brief video of Annie Lennox and David Gray discussing the song: . . .

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GrowthBusters Update – Nov 2010

Documentary Release: First Half of 2011
We’ve completed nearly all shooting and are now finishing the script and editing the film. GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth will be released early next year — not an easy task for an operation running on volunteer power and a shoestring budget.

We still need money for completion, publicity and distribution. This is a tough fundraising environment for anyone, but it’s extra-challenging for us because questioning the mantra of infinite growth is a hot potato for many foundations. If you can get our project in front of a philanthropist likely to appreciate our mission, you will be our hero! Drop me a line if you have a connection. And don’t forget you can be a philanthropist, too! . . .

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Hooked on Growth: Find the Cure

I’m inviting your vote. The trailer posted on our homepage has been up for a year, and we’ve been thinking it’s time for an update. Soon we’ll post a trailer that gives you a more complete picture of what the film will look like. But for now, I think we’ve come up with something short and to the point. I’d like your opinion, and it will only take you a minute to view it (it’s that short!).

Here is the new trailer:

And here is the current one:

Please cast a vote for which you prefer, at my blog on Daily Kos. Your comments below are also welcome. And if you like it, here’s a short link to it on YouTube you can share with your friends: . . .

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