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Author Archive

Population Taboo – Kiss it Adieu!

Today marks the beginning of Global Population Speak Out.

It’s human nature to blend in with the crowd. Nobody wants to be the only one with a given viewpoint. The cultural taboo on discussing overpopulation renders politicians, scientists and other opinion leaders reluctant to mention population when discussing both causes and solutions of modern challenges. Famed physicist Al Bartlett (author of the ultra-logical Laws Relating to Sustainability) nicely summed up his frustration about this in the Spring 2008 Teachers Clearinghouse for Science and Society Education Newsletter: Why Have Scientists Succumbed To Political Correctness? (Incidentally, my film, Hooked on Growth, is dedicated to Professor Bartlett.) . . .

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Colorado Water: Working on the Wrong Problem!

Recently I was unable to attend and film an important public meeting about future water supply planning for Colorado. Glen Colton was able to attend, and offered this incisive commentary about Colorado water planning. Glen points out some deficiencies in thinking that can apply to numerous resources in many parts of the world, so Glen agreed to be our guest blogger on this topic.

Glen’s Commentary:

I recently attended a meeting in Loveland, Colorado discussing the South Platte Basin water report (Water for the 21st Century).  There were about 150 – 200 people in attendance, many of them elected officials, water district people, municipal water people, developers, and others with a stake in getting more water for their towns  There were also a smattering of other folks including a few environmentalists and several people from Trout Unlimited that I knew. . . .

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What Copenhagen Demonstrators Want You to Know

What was the message of the demonstrators in Copenhagen? Some groups, such as Bill McKibben’s, were pushing for nations to agree to ambitious goals to get carbon dioxide levels down to 350 ppm. According to environmental journalist Zoe Cormier, many were trying to get the word out that we cannot get CO2 levels down as long as we remain hooked on growth – clinging to a system that doesn’t know the meaning of the word enough.

Zoe, the brains behind was the eyes and ears of the GrowthBusters project during last month’s climate talks. My apologies for only now posting her final report, taped on December 23. My schedule; my bad. Her analysis, however, is both good and timeless. . . .

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Growth Begins at Home

In my film, Hooked on Growth, I’m charting fairly unoccupied territory in linking the growth-addictive behavior of cities with global unsustainability. Sure, some cities are making efforts to reduce their carbon or overall ecological footprint, but most expectations of sustainable behavior focus either on individual behavior or national policy. Discussions of overpopulation, for example, tend to deal with either the global total or the couple’s decisions about family size – and nothing in-between. There is some discussion of national population policy (frequently discussion is as far as it ever gets), and almost no discussion of sustainable population size for cities. . . .

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GrowthBusters Team in Full Swing

As we enter the homestretch to complete the GrowthBusters documentary, I’m going to offer more frequent updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the production process. This week we’ve been joined in the office by assistant editor and production associate Lynsey Jones. Lynsey left home in Oakland, California to spend a month at what we lovingly call “GrowthBusters World Headquarters.” She’s been pitching in virtually for the past few months, helping us obtain important historical film clips. She arrived here in a snowstorm while the temperature was on it’s way down to -2 degrees Fahrenheit (-19°C). We hope she won’t get homesick! . . .

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