Can Living a 1.5 Degree Lifestyle Make a Difference?
Should we be sitting around eating burgers and driving pickup trucks, and just wait for the system change needed to live sustainably on this planet? We attempt here to put to rest the tired and misdirected debate about whether individual footprint-shrinking action is a distraction that slows needed systemic change, and whether it’s worth doing.
Joining us in this conversation is Lloyd Alter, former managing editor of Treehugger, and author of a fairly new book, Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle.
Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle – by Lloyd Alter
TreeHugger – one of the world’s leading sustainability information websites
Lifestyle Carbon Footprints and Changes in Lifestyles to Limit Global Warming To 1.5 °C
Elizabeth Warren on Major Industry Emissions – September 2019 Presidential Debate
Just 100 Companies Responsible for 71% of Global Emissions, Study Says – UK Guardian
The JUMP Is a Movement Challenging Consumers to Live for Joy, Not Stuff – by Lloyd Alter
Take the Jump – Less consuming but more creativity, care, comedy, camaraderie, contentment, craft, connection, celebration, culture and community
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Still Matters – Slate
IPCC Issues ‘Bleakest Warning Yet’ on Impacts of Climate Breakdown – UK Guardian
Managing Without Growth – by Peter Victor
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- Record a voice message for us to play on the podcast: +1-719-402-1400
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The GrowthBusters theme song was written and produced by Jake Fader and sung by Carlos Jones.
On the GrowthBusters podcast, we come to terms with the limits to growth, explore the joy of sustainable living, and provide a recovery program from our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with, and pursuit of, growth.
Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Co-host Stephanie Gardner has degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Law & Policy.
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Tags: Climate Change, footprint, overconsumption, sustainability
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