FREE WEBINAR – click to register
Wednesday, December 14 9-10 pm U.S. Eastern Time
The evidence is clear: the scale of the human enterprise has outgrown our planet. We need to scale back in order for the children of the world to have a chance to live decent lives. But what is it that we need to scale back? Do we need to dramatically contract our population, or drastically shrink our consumption?
– Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich (author of The Population Bomb)
– Columnist/Blogger Madeleine Somerville (author of All You Need Is Less: A Guilt-Free Guide to Eco-Friendly Green Living and Stress-Free Simplicity)
– Filmmaker Dave Gardner (director of GrowthBusters)
Register Here for This Free Webinar. Registrants will receive a link to view a replay of the webinar.
Stay for up to an extra hour at the end of this webinar to discuss the future of this webinar series and steps the GrowthBusters community might take to accelerate recovery from growth addiction.