Overshoot: World’s Best Introduction
Everything your friends, family, colleagues, journalists and elected representatives need to know about Earth Overshoot Day. Every other week, another scientific report is added to the stack of evidence human civilization has outgrown the planet. What are we doing about it? Earth Overshoot Day is the point in time during the year at which we’ve already burned through the renewable resources it takes the Earth a year to regenerate. Earth Overshoot Day in 2021 is July 29.
Global Footprint Network continuously analyzes UN data and satellite imagery to estimate the planet’s capacity to meet our needs (biocapacity), and humankind’s footprint – or demand (ecological footprint) – on that capacity. According to their analysis, we’re demanding almost twice what the planet can sustainably provide. In the U.S. and a few other nations, we’re engaged in 5-planet living (U.S. Overshoot Day was March 14).
Every year as Earth Overshoot Day approaches, we dedicate an episode of the GrowthBusters podcast to playing an audio documentary we produced in 2019. Welcome to Overshoot: Have a Nice Day explores overshoot’s causes, effects, and possible solutions, as well as some of the barriers to solving the problem. Episode 57 of the GrowthBusters podcast.
Reported by: Dave Gardner
William Catton, author of Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
Brian Czech, author of Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Crossroads and the Steady State Solution, and executive director of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Herman Daly, author of Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development
Paul Ehrlich, Stanford Biologist, author of The Population Bomb
Kerryn Higgs, author of Collision Course: Endless Growth on a Finite Planet
Ian Johnson, former World Bank vice president, former secretary general of Club of Rome
Bill McKibben, environmental journalist, author of Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?, co-founder of 350.org.
Dennis Meadows, lead scientist, The Limits to Growth
Kate Raworth, author of Doughnut Economics: 7 Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
William Rees, co-originator of ecological footprint analysis
Bill Ryerson, President of Population Media Center and Chair of Population Institute
Juliet Schor, Professor of Sociology at Boston University and author of Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth
John Seager, CEO of Population Connection
Gus Speth, former chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality
Mathis Wackernagel, founder of Global Footprint Network and co-author of Ecological Footprint: Managing Our Biocapacity Budget
Rex Weyler, environmental journalist
On the GrowthBusters podcast, we come to terms with the limits to growth, explore the joy of sustainable living, and provide a recovery program for our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with, and pursuit of, growth.
Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.”
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Tags: footprint, overconsumption, overpopulation, overshoot, sustainability
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