Since 1972, study after study, and report after report, has warned we are in overshoot – the sum total of human activity is too much for the Earth’s ecosystems to bear. Welcome to Overshoot explores overshoot’s causes, effects, and possible solutions, as well as some of the barriers to solving the problem. The best scientific estimates tell us human civilization is in overshoot. Were you aware of this? Do you know what overshoot is? This year (2019), Earth Overshoot Day falls on July 29.

Welcome to Overshoot: Have a Nice Day! (podcast episode 32)

We’re in Deep: Earth Overshoot Day 2019 (Podcast Episode 31)
In seven months humanity has burned through the resources it takes the Earth a full year to replenish. This is overshoot, and yes, it is a very big deal. In 2019, Earth Overshoot Day falls on July 29. Find out how we know when “Earth Overshoot Day” falls, how and why we’re operating in ecological deficit, what it means for us and our children, and what – if anything – we can do about it.

Overshoot Playlist: Top 10 Environmental Songs (Podcast episode 30)
What’s the soundtrack of human civilization’s time on Earth? If we were to put ten songs into a time capsule to help historians in the future piece together what the hell humankind was doing as the planet crumbled beneath our feet, the ten songs in this episode would tell half the story.
Avengers: Endgame – I Cut the Population in Half; Don’t Make Me Do This Again! (Podcast Episode 29)
Did the heroes solve a problem or make it worse? Did super-villain Thanos in the blockbuster movie, Avengers: Infinity War, solve the overshoot problem when he killed off half the beings in the universe to end overpopulation? Should the Avengers undo his deed if they can? Dave and Erika dissect Avengers: Endgame and how it treats these sustainability issues.
We’re looking for a podcast editor or producer with great audio editing skills. If you’re interested, email us.
The Science of Avengers: Endgame Proves Thanos Did Nothing Wrong by JV Chamary
Do Only Villains Care About Overpopulation?
We dissected last year’s Avengers: Infinity War in GrowthBusters episode 15.

Masturbate, Don’t Procreate (Podcast Episode 28)
Bill Maher and Steven Colbert become the first honorees on the GrowthBusters podcast’s “Wall of Excellence.” Plus: Why are millennials having fewer children? Maher celebrates the declining birth rate in the over-developed world because it is the single most effective thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. On the other hand, Senator Mike Lee thinks having more babies will solve climate change. Thanks to Steven Colbert for a send-up.