Ten years ago I described for a freelance journalist my fledgling documentary project, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. Her advice? "Just don't get into population. That's deadly." Recent events, however, indicate that it's becoming "okay" to address the subject.

Free Webinar: “Population Taboo” Banished

Making Fewer Babies Eclipses Replacing Light Bulbs
I am not alone. That’s the message I got from the results of our recent Green Living Survey. I didn’t expect to have so much company on a number of fronts. Let’s go through the highlights:
1. How are we currently leaving the Earth each year?
A whopping 92% of respondents understand that we’re currently injuring Earth’s ecosystems, each year leaving the planet a little less capable of supporting our massive global population and economy.
3% feel we leave the planet in better shape each year. I imagine they are CEOs of asphalt or concrete companies.
2. Which is causing the most injury to ecosystems?
There was no right or wrong answer to this question. It will be debated till we’ve run human civilization off a cliff. An impressive 72% chose BOTH overpopulation and over-consumption, avoiding the debate.

How GREEN are you living?
I have a confession to make: I am obsessed with minimizing my impact on the planet. Am I the only one? I want to know (take this survey).
Don’t be too impressed; I am far from living as lightly as some. My (wife’s) house is too big, I almost never take the bus, I eat an occasional burger or steak, and I do fly on commercial airliners from time to time.
My obsession is simply this: In everything I do, throughout each and every day, I think about my impact. I evaluate every decision, every action, and – whenever possible – I choose behaviors that have the least impact. This generally means less waste going to the landfill and less energy consumed. The thing that makes me unusual is that I go through the thought process a dozen times a day. Maybe more.

Top 10 Ways to Delay Earth Overshoot Day
For the rest of the year, humanity will be trashing the planet. That’s right, today is Earth Overshoot Day. Scientists at Global Footprint Network calculate that as of today, we’ve burned through the natural resources it would take a year for the Earth to replenish. For the next 4 months and 22 days, we’ll be chipping away at the long-term resilience of our life-supporting ecosystems.

Who Ya Gonna Call?
If you suspect paranormal activity in your neighborhood, call the Ghostbusters. But what if the kind of activity disturbing your peace is growth mania? Who can you call?