U.S. President Barack Obama announced Saturday that “restoring robust economic growth is no longer Job One” at the White House. “All the rhetoric around job creation, economic growth, and the American Dream are just political necessities for anyone wanting to be elected or reelected,” the President admitted. ” I no longer need to worry about reelection, so from this day forward I vow to tell the American people the truth.”
What is the truth? In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama explained it is time for the people to recognize that “economic growth has become uneconomic. We have filled up the planet with over 7 billion people who all want to drive Range Rovers and live in McMansions. We have arrived at the point where the costs of growth exceed the benefits.” The good news, he explained, is people can live very good lives without ever-increasing GDP and the vicious cycle of work and consumption that necessitates.