While Elon Musk erroneously claims population collapse is our biggest worry, world population is hitting 8 billion, adding the latest billion faster than any time in history.

8 Billion is Too Many: Don’t be a Twit About Overpopulation

Upping Our Game Alerting the World to Limits to Growth: New Online Community
World population may peak this decade and start dropping, over 60% of Coloradans are fed up with the negative consequences of growth of their communities, a new online community and resource for sustainability advocates, Elon Musk keeps populating our conversations, and should Dave run for President of the U.S.?
GrowthBusters Online Sustainability Activists Community
Have you had a chance yet to check out the new GrowthBusters online community? We’ve recently created this community to be a resource for those who want to improve our work as sustainability activists and advocates. Whether you’ve joined already or have yet to kick the tires, I want to share a little more detail with you:
There are plenty of listservs, facebook groups, and others discussing these issues. GrowthBusters online will be different. Here you can join or create a team to accomplish a specific task. You can plug in where you find the most meaning or significant need. Our goal is to give activists the tools they need and a platform for self-organizing, and then get out of their way. Here’s a snapshot showing a few current discussion threads:

New Resource For Sustainability Advocates: GrowthBusters Online Community
If you’re interested in moving from discussion to real action, or finding ways to make the discussions more effective, consider joining the new online GrowthBusters community.

World Population Day 2022: We’re Overpopulated, Pass It On.
As we approach the 8 billion population milestone, activist/author Valorie Allen thinks it’s high time we stop avoiding the overpopulation subject. Yet here we are, on World Population Day 2022, and the UN is still beating around the bush, journalists rarely report on the subject (and almost never accurately), and most environmental groups run and hide from it.