On March 1 the Club of Rome and the Smithsonian co-hosted an historic, day-long symposium, Perspectives on Limits to Growth, offering reflections on The Limits to Growth, the landmark study released in 1972. Two of the scientists involved in that study (who went on to author the book, as well as updates ten, twenty and thirty years later), Dennis Meadows and Jørgen Randers, were among those who spoke. This is a lot of video, and it begins with the obligatory welcomes, etc. from the dignitaries. But there are some great presentations here, especially those from Meadows and Randers, that are well worth watching.
This is day six of our exponential growth demonstration. I hope you’re doing this at home with your children or spouse, or at work with your colleagues. It’s going to get interesting. If you want to catch up, head over to our Limits to Growth 40th anniversary page, where you can easily access the blog posts explaining the demonstration. Yesterday we had 16 grains of wheat in our container. Today let’s double that, for 32.