Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints (podcast episode 51)
We set out to make this the second of a series of episodes about shrinking our travel footprint, but the conversation ended up being a broader exploration of philosophical issues related to all kinds of footprint-shrinking actions. Erika and Dave are joined by recurring guest, Joshua Spodek, host of the This Sustainable Life podcast.
- The joy of not flying
- Generating a lot less waste
- Is the new iPhone really green?
- And plastic, plastic, plastic.
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Apple’s New iPhone Is Far from Green
Apple is aiming for ‘zero climate impact.’ The iPhone 12 won’t help.
The Story of Plastic screenings (search for The Story of Plastic)
Joshua Spodek’s The Story of Plastic panel discussion
Joshua Spodek’s This Sustainable Life podcastOn the GrowthBusters podcast, Erika and Dave explore the joy of sustainable living and provide a recovery program for our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with and pursuit of growth.
Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Erika Arias is researching the childfree/environment connection and is about to enter grad school.
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Tags: Climate Change, footprint, sustainability, transportation, travel
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