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Projection on building: New Year's Resolution - Live more lightly on the planet. Projecting optimism in the time of overshoot

86: Projecting Optimism in the Time of Overshoot

Is optimism required in order to alert folks to our ecological overshoot emergency? Dave and Stephanie discuss the challenge of communicating the depth and urgency of overshoot without shutting people down.

Projection on building: New Year's Resolution - Live more lightly on the planet. Projecting optimism in the time of overshootAlso:

  • Dave shares how he and a group of local growthbusters projected a guerilla “pop-up” billboard on New Year’s Eve – attempting to provide an honest reality check, but not put revelers off (or entice police or security personnel to stop them) More about guerilla billboards soon.
  • The wisdom in U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” speech
  • Congestion pricing results in kids walking, riding bikes, or taking public transit to school
  • China wants to goose consumption in order to keep high GDP growth
  • Rampant growthism in reporting on UK economic contraction
  • Incoming Trump advisors count on economic growth to balance the budget
  • The enormous carbon footprint of stadium concerts and sporting events
  • A new book by Robin Wall Kimmerer: The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World


President Jimmy Carter’s “Malaise” Speech

London Saw a Surprising Benefit to Fining High-Polluting Cars: More Active Kids

How the Debt Could Topple Trump’s Growth Agenda

The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World – by Robin Wall Kimmerer

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  • Record a voice message for us to play on the podcast: 719-402-1400
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The GrowthBusters theme song was written and produced by Jake Fader and sung by Carlos Jones.

On the GrowthBusters podcast, we come to terms with the limits to growth, explore the joy of sustainable living, and provide a recovery program from our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with, and pursuit of, growth.

Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Co-host, and self-described “energy nerd,” Stephanie Gardner has degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Law & Policy.

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    Thanks for persevering on issue of wisdom of family planning and reminding of of limits. Also for drawing attention to favorite new book, The Serviceberry.


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      Dave Gardner


      We appreciate the strokes. And glad to hear you love the book. We will circle back to that book in a couple of episode.


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