Shrinking Your Travel Footprint (podcast episode 52)

We’d like to remind listeners that while it may seem like the system is stacked against us, we really do have choices about how to transport ourselves. With a little bit of creativity, personal agency, and help from the experts, our choices can change the system!
The Four Lifestyle Choices that Most Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (Lund University Study ranking carbon reduction actions)
Vacation Traveler Carbon Guide – Quick Reference Chart and the stuy behind it (Union of Concerned Scientists)
Getting There Greener – full report behind the above vacation guide
Skyscanner greener flight booking site
UCS web tool for EV efficiency in your area
Carbon Offset Info and Programs
American Idling: The Ecological Cost of Keeping the Engine Running
The future of conference: Will events remain virtual after lockdowns?
On the GrowthBusters podcast, Erika and Dave explore the joy of sustainable living and provide a recovery program for our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with and pursuit of growth.
Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Erika Arias is researching the childfree/environment connection and is about to enter grad school.
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Tags: Climate Change, footprint, sustainability, transportation, travel
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