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Brain unplugged, with text: Shutdown315, start post-growth living Saturday

88: Shutdown315: Start Post-Growth Living Saturday

Brain unplugged, with text: Shutdown315, start post-growth living SaturdayUnplug from an overshoot economy serving a growth-obsessed oligarchy. On March 15, the multitudes will begin a general strike across the U.S. – starving our profit and growth obsessed system. The commoners will reclaim power taken by the elite. Learn about Shutdown315 as Stephanie and Dave discuss, and chat with two Shutdown315 movement organizers, Chet and Bones.


We’re excited to share this with you, because Shutdown315 may be a great on-ramp to post-growth living. It starts March 15, 2025, and continues. We also launch the GrowthBusters book club – listen to learn our first book selection.

And we offer a few comments about actor Kieran Culkin’s appeal to his wife to give him four kids in his Oscar acceptance speech, of note because the Earth cannot meet the needs of our current 8 billion population without damaging critical life-supporting ecosystems.


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Shutdown315 website

Will the Wealthy Consume Less? That would be helpful – by Matt Orsagh

What Is #Shutdown315? Nationwide Plan to Shut Down USA for 1 Day – Newsweek

Bright Future Project from Dave’s Presidential Campaign

Shutdown315 Subreddit

Shutdown315 Substack


Small-Family Stickers (Donate and write to us at podcast at to get yours)

GrowthBusters Online Community

The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World – by Robin Wall Kimmerer

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  • Record a voice message for us to play on the podcast: 719-402-1400
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The GrowthBusters theme song was written and produced by Jake Fader and sung by Carlos Jones.

On the GrowthBusters podcast, we come to terms with the limits to growth, explore the joy of sustainable living, and provide a recovery program from our society’s growth addiction (economic/consumption and population). This podcast is part of the GrowthBusters project to raise awareness of overshoot and end our culture’s obsession with, and pursuit of, growth.

Dave Gardner directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which Stanford Biologist Paul Ehrlich declared “could be the most important film ever made.” Co-host, and self-described “energy nerd,” Stephanie Gardner has degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Law & Policy.

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GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth – free on YouTube

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