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Posts Tagged ‘Climate Change’

The Shit Hits the Fan, group of sweating people squint at hot sun, with fan blowing on them

87: The Shit Hits the Fan

In the face of accelerated global warming and increasingly severe consequences of climate disruption, UN projections are outdated and understating the problem, and the U.S. is going to produce and burn fossil fuels like they’re going out of business. Meanwhile Trump wants to be sure Gazans aren’t using condoms to float bombs over the border, and to be sure condoms and other family planning resources are not available the world over.

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We're overpopulated, pass it on

World Population Day 2022: We’re Overpopulated, Pass It On.

As we approach the 8 billion population milestone, activist/author Valorie Allen thinks it’s high time we stop avoiding the overpopulation subject. Yet here we are, on World Population Day 2022, and the UN is still beating around the bush, journalists rarely report on the subject (and almost never accurately), and most environmental groups run and hide from it.

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