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Posts Tagged ‘population growth’

Planet of the Humans: What Did the Film Get Right? (podcast episode 45)

Planet of the Humans presents us with some inconvenient truths – far more inconvenient than just the greenhouse gas effect. Yet because the film skewers some renewable energy advocates for painting an overly rosy picture that’s not 100% accurate, there’s been a lot of backlash and effort to keep the film from being seen. We think the most important messages of the film are just too critical to avoid, so GrowthBusters teamed up with World Population Balance to co-host the webinar, Planet of the Humans: a Sequel. You can view a video replay of that webinar here. Or you can listen to the audio of the webinar in this episode of the GrowthBusters podcast.

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Avengers: Endgame – I Cut the Population in Half; Don’t Make Me Do This Again! (Podcast Episode 29)

Avengers: Endgame superheroesDid the heroes solve a problem or make it worse? Did super-villain Thanos in the blockbuster movie, Avengers: Infinity War, solve the overshoot problem when he killed off half the beings in the universe to end overpopulation? Should the Avengers undo his deed if they can? Dave and Erika dissect Avengers: Endgame and how it treats these sustainability issues.

We’re looking for a podcast editor or producer with great audio editing skills. If you’re interested, email us.


The Science of Avengers: Endgame Proves Thanos Did Nothing Wrong by JV Chamary

Do Only Villains Care About Overpopulation?
We dissected last year’s Avengers: Infinity War in GrowthBusters episode 15. . . .

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Bill Maher and Steven Colbert with GrowthBusting Excellence Award

Masturbate, Don’t Procreate (Podcast Episode 28)

Bill Maher and Steven Colbert become the first honorees on the GrowthBusters podcast’s “Wall of Excellence.” Plus: Why are millennials having fewer children? Maher celebrates the declining birth rate in the over-developed world because it is the single most effective thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. On the other hand, Senator Mike Lee thinks having more babies will solve climate change. Thanks to Steven Colbert for a send-up.

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